Our Ministries
As High Street United Methodists we strive to show God's love for all people through meeting them where they are. To this end, our ministries are an important part of who we are. Below you will find some short descriptions of a few of the many ministries of High Street UMC. Please visit the contacts page if you are interested in getting involved. We'd love to have you.
- Backpack Program - High Street UMC sponsors S.P. Morton Elementary School with the program run by the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. We financially support the program, as well as receive the food, package it into bags, and deliver the bags to the school twice a month for 50 food insecure children to take the backpacks home. Financial supporters as well as volunteers are needed to make this program a success.
-Book Club - This fun group meets monthly to discuss and share thoughts on the book selection of the month. The Book Club meets in the Fellowship Hall at High Street UMC on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M.
- United Women in Faith - This very active group of ladies of all ages meets monthly for mission activities, interesting programs, prayer, and fellowship. There is a daytime group which usually meets on the first Monday of each month at 10am. The evening group meets at 5:30 P.M. on the 4th Monday of each month. We also participate in the District UMW events when possible.
- United Methodist Men - This men's group meets on the third Saturday of each month for an 8:00 breakfast meeting. Come earlier if you'd like to help cook. The UMM sponsor 2 big events each year, a Brunswick Stew in November and a Barbeque sale in the spring. In addition to these 2 events, the UMM have programs at their meetings and enjoy great fellowship.
- Soup For Supper - On Thursday nights at 6:00 P.M. from September through June, this group meets for good food and fellowship. Donations are greatly appreciated to help defray the cost of the food. On the last Thursday night of the month, it's "pancake supper night". All of the proceeds from the pancake supper as well as the non-perishable food items go to the Franklin Cooperative Ministries.
-United Methodist Youth Fellowship - The UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) is an active group of tweens and teens from 6th grade - 12th grade who meet several times a month for fellowship, spiritual needs, and mission. They also participate in other activities of the church such as the Harvest Festival and the Easter Egg Hunt. They also host fundraisers in preparation for some sort of summer mission trip, conference, or outing. Will Return Soon
- Relay For Life Team - This team meets throughout the year to prepare for the Franklin/ Southampton County Relay For Life event in June that raises money for the American Cancer Society. The team has a couple of fundraisers during the year. Our team at HSUMC has always been in the top 5 teams for many years in fund raising.
- High Street UMC Chancel Choir - Our chancel choir is a fun-loving group of singers who enjoy a variety of music and meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00 in the choir room for practice and fellowship. They sing every Sunday for the 11:00 service except in July and August and also perform a Christmas cantata in December and sometimes a fun "Dinner and a Song" fundraiser event in the spring.
- Prayer Breakfast Group - This small group meets on the 2nd Tuesday morning of each month at 8:30 a.m., except for July and August, for a time of fellowship, good food, devotion and prayer.
- Mission Team - Come join an active team of High Streeters interested in helping others in need whether they are right here in our own community or halfway around the globe. Our ministries include the Backpack Program, our Angel Tree at Christmas, Thanksgiving baskets of food for needy families, sponsoring a pilot who flies supplies and patients in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa, Heifer Project, collecting supplies for health, birthing, and school kits for those in need around the world, providing monthly collection of food items for the Franklin Cooperative Ministries, and many others.
- Men's Coffee and Conversation - A group of men meet every Thursday at 7am at Fred's Restaurant in downtown Franklin to enjoy delicious food, great conversation and even better fellowship!
-Crochet & Knitting Group - Bring your yarn and needles to the Fellowship Hall every Thursday at 1:30pm for a chance to work on that project you've been meaning to finish--or, for beginners, come for some pointers or to learn how to do it!
-Women's Might - Every Wednesday at noon, this group (you do not have to be a widow to come!) meets at different local restaurants for food, fun, and fellowship! No meeting, no agenda...just good food and great conversation!
- Backpack Program - High Street UMC sponsors S.P. Morton Elementary School with the program run by the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. We financially support the program, as well as receive the food, package it into bags, and deliver the bags to the school twice a month for 50 food insecure children to take the backpacks home. Financial supporters as well as volunteers are needed to make this program a success.
-Book Club - This fun group meets monthly to discuss and share thoughts on the book selection of the month. The Book Club meets in the Fellowship Hall at High Street UMC on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M.
- United Women in Faith - This very active group of ladies of all ages meets monthly for mission activities, interesting programs, prayer, and fellowship. There is a daytime group which usually meets on the first Monday of each month at 10am. The evening group meets at 5:30 P.M. on the 4th Monday of each month. We also participate in the District UMW events when possible.
- United Methodist Men - This men's group meets on the third Saturday of each month for an 8:00 breakfast meeting. Come earlier if you'd like to help cook. The UMM sponsor 2 big events each year, a Brunswick Stew in November and a Barbeque sale in the spring. In addition to these 2 events, the UMM have programs at their meetings and enjoy great fellowship.
- Soup For Supper - On Thursday nights at 6:00 P.M. from September through June, this group meets for good food and fellowship. Donations are greatly appreciated to help defray the cost of the food. On the last Thursday night of the month, it's "pancake supper night". All of the proceeds from the pancake supper as well as the non-perishable food items go to the Franklin Cooperative Ministries.
-United Methodist Youth Fellowship - The UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) is an active group of tweens and teens from 6th grade - 12th grade who meet several times a month for fellowship, spiritual needs, and mission. They also participate in other activities of the church such as the Harvest Festival and the Easter Egg Hunt. They also host fundraisers in preparation for some sort of summer mission trip, conference, or outing. Will Return Soon
- Relay For Life Team - This team meets throughout the year to prepare for the Franklin/ Southampton County Relay For Life event in June that raises money for the American Cancer Society. The team has a couple of fundraisers during the year. Our team at HSUMC has always been in the top 5 teams for many years in fund raising.
- High Street UMC Chancel Choir - Our chancel choir is a fun-loving group of singers who enjoy a variety of music and meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00 in the choir room for practice and fellowship. They sing every Sunday for the 11:00 service except in July and August and also perform a Christmas cantata in December and sometimes a fun "Dinner and a Song" fundraiser event in the spring.
- Prayer Breakfast Group - This small group meets on the 2nd Tuesday morning of each month at 8:30 a.m., except for July and August, for a time of fellowship, good food, devotion and prayer.
- Mission Team - Come join an active team of High Streeters interested in helping others in need whether they are right here in our own community or halfway around the globe. Our ministries include the Backpack Program, our Angel Tree at Christmas, Thanksgiving baskets of food for needy families, sponsoring a pilot who flies supplies and patients in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa, Heifer Project, collecting supplies for health, birthing, and school kits for those in need around the world, providing monthly collection of food items for the Franklin Cooperative Ministries, and many others.
- Men's Coffee and Conversation - A group of men meet every Thursday at 7am at Fred's Restaurant in downtown Franklin to enjoy delicious food, great conversation and even better fellowship!
-Crochet & Knitting Group - Bring your yarn and needles to the Fellowship Hall every Thursday at 1:30pm for a chance to work on that project you've been meaning to finish--or, for beginners, come for some pointers or to learn how to do it!
-Women's Might - Every Wednesday at noon, this group (you do not have to be a widow to come!) meets at different local restaurants for food, fun, and fellowship! No meeting, no agenda...just good food and great conversation!
Ministry Partners
Here are a few of the many ministries that we here at High Street are involved with but that are not specific to our church.
Scouting: High Street UMC proudly provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all levels for scouting for boys and girls. Visit www.scouting.org and www.girlscouts.org for more information or contact us if you are interested in being put in touch with our resident scouting leaders.
Franklin Cooperative Ministry: High Street UMC is also a ministry partner of the Franklin Cooperative ministry, helping those who are helping others in need. The Franklin Cooperative Ministry is located in High Street UMC's former fellowship hall at 301 W. 1st Ave in Franklin, VA. For more info about the Franklin Cooperative ministry please call 757-516-6322.
Hearts Haven: Helping individuals and families with intellectual disabilities. Visit them online at www.Hearthavens.org
Relay for Life: The American Cancer Society's branch dedicated to funds for cancer awareness and research. Visit them online at www.relayforlife.org
Stop Hunger Now: Dedicated to ending world hunger. Visit them online at www.stophungernow.org
Wings of Caring: Providing transportation support to United Methodist medical, evangelical, and relief outreach. Read more at www.umcmission.org
Scouting: High Street UMC proudly provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all levels for scouting for boys and girls. Visit www.scouting.org and www.girlscouts.org for more information or contact us if you are interested in being put in touch with our resident scouting leaders.
Franklin Cooperative Ministry: High Street UMC is also a ministry partner of the Franklin Cooperative ministry, helping those who are helping others in need. The Franklin Cooperative Ministry is located in High Street UMC's former fellowship hall at 301 W. 1st Ave in Franklin, VA. For more info about the Franklin Cooperative ministry please call 757-516-6322.
Hearts Haven: Helping individuals and families with intellectual disabilities. Visit them online at www.Hearthavens.org
Relay for Life: The American Cancer Society's branch dedicated to funds for cancer awareness and research. Visit them online at www.relayforlife.org
Stop Hunger Now: Dedicated to ending world hunger. Visit them online at www.stophungernow.org
Wings of Caring: Providing transportation support to United Methodist medical, evangelical, and relief outreach. Read more at www.umcmission.org